we all fall within the positive, the negative or the neutral..

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Words from the Watchman Entry 1

So.. This being my first blog post and all, one would expect the subject to be introductory or egocentric if you will.  Truth is I'm not much of a conventional human so bear with me.

As the morning sun rolled in and the rest of the eastern hemisphere were still snuggled into their place of rest i was up watching a documentary called Mugabe and the White African.  For those who are not familiar with Robert Mugabe, or Bob, he is the president of Zimbabwe bent on ridding the land of all European influences.  The film is about one of the few white farming families who have purchased property some years ago in the native land and their fight against those in power who want it back.

Now, if we take a brief trip through history one would recognize the familiarity of the situation.  Once upon a time some 600 years ago the early start of the slave trade in Africa reared its ugly head.  Also around that time, Chris Columbus "discovered America".  Another 200 years pass and again Europeans invade the sands of India.  The story goes on and on and we all know how they end. 

In retrospect, i have this to say.  The actions of a people whether past or present will ALWAYS determine how they will be appraised by those who are not of like descent.  I, as a human and a religious being, will always feel remorse of those in suffering.  But i do say that when forced into a situation like that of the family, one must be conscious of the reasoning behind the actions of the oppressor. Second, one must then choose how to react to the hardships that are faced during times of turmoil and wickedness.  

We all leave a mark in this world whether we chose to acknowledge it or not. And that mark is created by the energy one gives off.  Its like high school chemistry class, we are essentially  atoms that have the ability to produce positive, negative, or neutral energies.  And simply what that translates to is either you are with Satan or with God, there is no in between.  

As plausible as Mugabe's intention of liberating his people is, his action of emulating Hitler and those alike, condemn him for his all his days.  And as sorry one could only feel for the people being effected by those actions, the world will continue to come full circle.  We all will become blinded one day from taking the eyes of the enemy and that fact is inevitable. We as humans do not posses the power to make everyone do the righteous thing but what we can do is control the affect of your energy on those around you.  So i have to ask.... what are you?


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